Our Equipment
- Alpha-Step IQ
- Alpha-Step IQ - W1-040
- Autosorb iQ
- Branson 3000 Barrel Etcher
- Brewer Spinner and Hotplate
- Bruker XRD D8 Discover
- Cee 200CB Coat-Bake System #1
- Cee 200CB Coat-Bake System #2
- Cold plate (Stir-Kool SK-12D)
- Contact Angle (FTA-200)
- Critical Point Dryer
- Denton Gold Sputter Unit (for SEM)
- Dicing Saw (Disco DAD 321)
- Disco 3240 Dicing Saw
- Dymax BlueWave 200
- Electron Beam Evaporation System #1 (Gomez)
- Electron-Beam Evaporation System #2 (PVD-75)
- Ellipsometer (M-2000V)
- Filmetrics F50-UV
- Filmetrics Thickness Monitor (F10-VC) (B)
- Four-Point Probe
- Four-Point Probe (Pro4 4000)
- FTIR-iS50
- Fumehood (Aisle 1 - Laurell / Headway Spinner/Hotplate)
- Fumehood (Aisle 2 - KOH/TMAH)(Station A)
- Fumehood (Aisle 3 - General Use)
- GLAD System (Achilles)
- Glass Bonding Area
- Heidelberg MLA150
- Helium Ion Microscope (Zeiss Orion NanoFAB with Ga FIB)
- ICPRIE (Alcatel AMS110)
- ICPRIE (Cobra Metal Etch)
- ICPRIE (Oxford Estrelas)
- Keithley 4200-Semiconductor Characterization System (SCS Analyzer)
- Leica ACE600 Carbon/Metal coater
- Leica INM-100 Optical Microscope #1
- Leica INM-100 Optical Microscope #2
- Litho Wet Deck #1
- Litho Wet Deck #2
- LPCVD Boron Doped PolySi Deposition
- LPCVD Nitride Deposition
- LPCVD PolySi Deposition
- Mask Aligner (Grover - MA#1)
- Mask Aligner (IR through-wafer) (Bert - MA#1)
- Mask/Bond Aligner (SUSS MA/BA6)
- Minibrute Bottom Furnace (Boron Doping)
- Minibrute Middle Furnace (Thermal Oxide and General Annealing)
- Minibrute Top Furnace (Thermal oxide only)
- Muffle Furnace
- Muffle Furnace (For PZT only!)
- Nanometrics Hall Measurement (HL5500)
- Nanoscribe Photonic Professional GT
- Olympus Laser Confocal Microscope (OLS3000)
- Parylene Deposition System
- Pattern Generator (Heidelberg DWL-200)
- PDMS Process area
- PECVD (Trion)
- Probe Station #1 (Wentworth)
- Probe Station #2 (Wentworth)
- RAITH150 Two EBL System
- RIE (Oxford NGP80)
- RIE (Trion)
- RIE (uEtch)
- Rigaku XRD Ultima IV
- Savant SuperModulyo Freeze Dryer
- Scanning Electron Microscope (Zeiss EVO MA10)
- Scanning Electron Microscope (Zeiss Sigma FESEM w/ EDX & EBSD)
- Scriber
- Servo Precision Drill Press (7140-M)
- Sitek SRD (bottom - 100 mm)
- Sitek SRD (top - 150 mm)
- Spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer NIR-UV)
- Spectrophotometer UV/VIS (Hitachi U-3900H)
- Spin Rinse Dryer (Wet aisle #1)
- Sputtering System #1 (Bob)
- Sputtering System #2 (Doug)
- Sputtering System #3 (Floyd)
- Sputtering System #4 (Moe)
- SUSS Bonder
- Thin Film Stress Measurement (FLX 2320)
- TPT HB16 Wire bonder
- Tystar Doped Anneal
- Tystar General Anneal
- Tystar Oxidation
- Upright Microscope (LV150)
- UV / Ozone Bonder
- UV Flood Exposure System (Sunny)
- Vacuum Ovens (×3)
- Vapour HF Etcher (memsstar Orbis Alpha)
- VASE Ellipsometer
- Wet Process - General Use - Wet Deck 1A
- Wet Process - General Use - Wet Deck 1B
- Wet Process - General Use - Wet Deck 2A
- Wet Process - HF/BOE - Wet Deck 1A
- Wet Process - HF/BOE - Wet Deck 1B
- Wet Process - ISE KOH Bath - Wet Deck 2A
- Wet Process - Metal Etch - Wet Deck 1A
- Wet Process - Metal Etch - Wet Deck 1B
- Wet Process - Piranha - Wet Deck 2B
- XeF2 Etching System
- XPS Imaging Spectrometer (Kratos AXIS Ultra)
- Yamato Oven
- Zeiss AXIO Lab.A1 (east plasma area)
- Zeiss AXIO Lab.A1 (W1-040)
- Zeiss AXIO Lab.A1 (west plasma area)
- Zeiss Stemi 508 (east plasma area)
- Zeiss Stemi 508 (W1-040)
- Zygo Optical Profilometer
The memsstar Orbis Alpha vapour HF etcher provides gas-phase (dry) etching of sacrificial oxides, enabling stiction-free release of devices for MEMS, Si photonics/optomechanics, and other applications which previously had to rely on HF-based wet etching followed by critical point drying. The in situ NDIR sensor allows for robust process monitoring and endpoint detection, for excellent run-to-run reproducibility.Features
- Large process window to optimize process for any structure
- Selectively etch different sacrificial oxides (thermal oxide, TEOS, SOI bonded oxide, quartz, PECVD oxide, spin-on oxide, low-temperature spin-on glass) without attacking other layers (Si, Ge, SiC, C, Al2O3, AlF3, AlN, Au, Cu, TiW, W, Ni, Al, Cr)
- Accommodates substrates ranging from small pieces up to 200 mm wafers
- Backside gas protection for 100 mm and 150 mm wafers: oxide on wafer backside is not etched inside a ~3 mm edge exclusion region
- Excellent selectivity with silicon nitride (<5%)
- High selectivity to underlayer and mechanical materials
- High etch rates for undercut and blanket SiO2 (>200 nm/min)
- Excellent uniformity and repeatability (<5%)
- No corrosion or stiction
- Unique endpoint capability via NDIR process monitor