Multi-scale, Multi-platform and Multi-dimensional analysis
AML Wafer Bonder now available for training
Advanced wafer bonding capabilities are now available using the AML AWB-04
New Spray Coating Tool Available
Spray coating of photoresist is now available at the nanoFAB
Advanced TEM Sample Preparation
Ga free, low damage, versatile and high throughput
SAXS, GI-SAXS/WAXS are available on Bruker D8D+
Molecular packing orientation, particle size, shape, distribution
Broad Ion Beam (BIB) polishing for SEM/EDX/EBSD
Automatic, unattended process for large area preparation
nGauge AFM is now Available at nanoFAB
AFM by 3 easy steps: Sweep, Approach, and Scan.
In-situ heating S/TEM is available
Heating & Biasing; Imaging, Diffraction and EDX
Optical Emission Interferometry (OEI) in the Plasma-Therm Versaline PECVD
Using endpoint detection in PECVD recipes to improve film thickness accuracy
Career Opportunity – University of British Columbia
Apply for a Biodevice Foundry Manager position at UBC
Career Opportunity – University of Calgary
The nanoFAB is pleased to post the following career opportunity at the University of Calgary for a Cleanroom Technical Specialist. The details of the position, including responsibilities, qualifications, experience, and education are listed in the following link: Cleanroom Technical Specialist, VP Research
Career Opportunity – Norcada Inc.
The nanoFAB is pleased to post the following career opportunities at Norcada for a Mechanical and Assembly Engineer, a Technical Product and Sales Lead and an Embedded Systems Developer (Engineer). The details of the positions including responsibilities, qualifications, experiences and education are listed in the below link. Mechanical and Assembly Engineer Norcada Job Board – […]
Career Opportunity – Preciseley Microtechnology Corp.
Apply for a MEMS Design and Fabrication position at Preciseley