Our Equipment
- Alpha-Step IQ
- Alpha-Step IQ - W1-040
- Autosorb iQ
- Branson 3000 Barrel Etcher
- Brewer Spinner and Hotplate
- Bruker XRD D8 Discover
- Cee 200CB Coat-Bake System #1
- Cee 200CB Coat-Bake System #2
- Cold plate (Stir-Kool SK-12D)
- Contact Angle (FTA-200)
- Critical Point Dryer
- Denton Gold Sputter Unit (for SEM)
- Dicing Saw (Disco DAD 321)
- Disco 3240 Dicing Saw
- Dymax BlueWave 200
- Electron Beam Evaporation System #1 (Gomez)
- Electron-Beam Evaporation System #2 (PVD-75)
- Ellipsometer (M-2000V)
- Filmetrics F50-UV
- Filmetrics Thickness Monitor (F10-VC) (B)
- Four-Point Probe
- Four-Point Probe (Pro4 4000)
- FTIR-iS50
- Fumehood (Aisle 1 - Laurell / Headway Spinner/Hotplate)
- Fumehood (Aisle 2 - KOH/TMAH)(Station A)
- Fumehood (Aisle 3 - General Use)
- GLAD System (Achilles)
- Glass Bonding Area
- Heidelberg MLA150
- Helium Ion Microscope (Zeiss Orion NanoFAB with Ga FIB)
- ICPRIE (Alcatel AMS110)
- ICPRIE (Cobra Metal Etch)
- ICPRIE (Oxford Estrelas)
- Keithley 4200-Semiconductor Characterization System (SCS Analyzer)
- Leica ACE600 Carbon/Metal coater
- Leica INM-100 Optical Microscope #1
- Leica INM-100 Optical Microscope #2
- Litho Wet Deck #1
- Litho Wet Deck #2
- LPCVD Boron Doped PolySi Deposition
- LPCVD Nitride Deposition
- LPCVD PolySi Deposition
- Mask Aligner (Grover - MA#1)
- Mask Aligner (IR through-wafer) (Bert - MA#1)
- Mask/Bond Aligner (SUSS MA/BA6)
- Minibrute Bottom Furnace (Boron Doping)
- Minibrute Middle Furnace (Thermal Oxide and General Annealing)
- Minibrute Top Furnace (Thermal oxide only)
- Muffle Furnace
- Muffle Furnace (For PZT only!)
- Nanometrics Hall Measurement (HL5500)
- Nanoscribe Photonic Professional GT
- Olympus Laser Confocal Microscope (OLS3000)
- Parylene Deposition System
- Pattern Generator (Heidelberg DWL-200)
- PDMS Process area
- PECVD (Trion)
- Probe Station #1 (Wentworth)
- Probe Station #2 (Wentworth)
- RAITH150 Two EBL System
- RIE (Oxford NGP80)
- RIE (Trion)
- RIE (uEtch)
- Rigaku XRD Ultima IV
- Savant SuperModulyo Freeze Dryer
- Scanning Electron Microscope (Zeiss EVO MA10)
- Scanning Electron Microscope (Zeiss Sigma FESEM w/ EDX & EBSD)
- Scriber
- Servo Precision Drill Press (7140-M)
- Sitek SRD (bottom - 100 mm)
- Sitek SRD (top - 150 mm)
- Spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer NIR-UV)
- Spectrophotometer UV/VIS (Hitachi U-3900H)
- Spin Rinse Dryer (Wet aisle #1)
- Sputtering System #1 (Bob)
- Sputtering System #2 (Doug)
- Sputtering System #3 (Floyd)
- Sputtering System #4 (Moe)
- SUSS Bonder
- Thin Film Stress Measurement (FLX 2320)
- TPT HB16 Wire bonder
- Tystar Doped Anneal
- Tystar General Anneal
- Tystar Oxidation
- Upright Microscope (LV150)
- UV / Ozone Bonder
- UV Flood Exposure System (Sunny)
- Vacuum Ovens (×3)
- Vapour HF Etcher (memsstar Orbis Alpha)
- VASE Ellipsometer
- Wet Process - General Use - Wet Deck 1A
- Wet Process - General Use - Wet Deck 1B
- Wet Process - General Use - Wet Deck 2A
- Wet Process - HF/BOE - Wet Deck 1A
- Wet Process - HF/BOE - Wet Deck 1B
- Wet Process - ISE KOH Bath - Wet Deck 2A
- Wet Process - Metal Etch - Wet Deck 1A
- Wet Process - Metal Etch - Wet Deck 1B
- Wet Process - Piranha - Wet Deck 2B
- XeF2 Etching System
- XPS Imaging Spectrometer (Kratos AXIS Ultra)
- Yamato Oven
- Zeiss AXIO Lab.A1 (east plasma area)
- Zeiss AXIO Lab.A1 (W1-040)
- Zeiss AXIO Lab.A1 (west plasma area)
- Zeiss Stemi 508 (east plasma area)
- Zeiss Stemi 508 (W1-040)
- Zygo Optical Profilometer
The Nanoscribe Photonic Professional GT is the world’s highest-resolution 3D printer. Based on two-photon polymerization (2PP), it allows for additive manufacturing and maskless lithography with the same device. Submicron resolution printing with feature sizes down to 200 nm and optical quality surface finishes are characteristic key features. Two powerful writing modes move the laser focus with respect to the photoresist: A piezo-mode for arbitrary 3D trajectories and a galvo-mode for ultra-fast structuring in a layer-by-layer process. With these unique features, the versatile system covers the broad demands encountered in nano-, micro- and mesoscale fabrication.Features
- Minimum 3D lateral feature size: 200 nm (spec.); 160 nm (typ.)
- Finest vertical resolution: 1500 nm (spec.); 1000 nm (typ.)
- Accessible print area by motorized stage: 100 × 100 mm2
- x-y-z piezo range: 300 × 300 × 300 μm3
- x-y galvo scan range: 200–600 μm diameter (dependent on scanning objective)
- Maximum object height: 3 mm (DiLL mode)
- 2PP resins provided: IP-Dip, IP-L 780, IP-S
- Optical-quality surfaces
- Straightforward 3D printing workflow from CAD files (STL format) import to final parts
- Diverse range of print materials and substrates