Bruker XRD D8 Discover

Bruker D8 XRD


This Bruker D8 Discover diffraction system is equipped with a newly installed (2023-01) sealed anode Cu X-ray tube and high throughput LynxEYE 1-dimensional detector. The D8 system has a centric Eulerian Cradle, and it is currently set up as a powder diffractometer using Bragg-Brentano parafocusing geometry. The D8 system provides the selection of standard, multi-sample, and heating stages. The heating stage is able to perform in-situ heating XRD for temperatures up to 800 °C.


  • Focus Beam for Powder Diffraction with range of 4 - 130 degree.
  • LynxEye fast scan detector, high resolution, approximately 1/200th of the time required using a point detector, with identical data quality. Available mode, 1D & 0D.
  • Temperature controlled in-situ heating sample stage (30 C to 800 C)
