Resale Items
- AQM SiOx resist kit
- Carrier - 4" Round Wafer Carrier Box (25pcs)
- Carrier - 4" Single Wafer Carrier (Round)
- Carrier - 4" Square or Round Carrier
- Carrier - 5" Photomask Holder (1pc)
- Carrier - 6" Single Wafer Carrier (Round)
- Cleanroom Notebook (small)
- Cleanroom Paper (pk of 250)
- Crucible Liner - Fabmate
- Crucible Liner - Graphite
- Electra 92
- Gel Pak (Large)
- Gel Pak (Mini)
- Gel Pak (Small)
- Grip Ring - 4"
- Grip Ring - 6"
- Microscope Slides
- PDMS Kit
- Petri Dish - Large
- Petri Dish - Small
- Petri Dish - Small with 4 Compartments
- Precious Metal - Bob - Au
- Precious Metal - Bob - Pd
- Precious Metal - Bob - Pt
- Precious Metal - Doug - Au
- Precious Metal - Doug - Pd
- Precious Metal - Doug - Pt
- Precious Metal - e-beam - Au
- Precious Metal - e-beam - Pd
- Precious Metal - e-beam - Pt
- Precious Metal - Floyd - Au
- SEM - Carbon Conductive Tabs (1 sheet of 25)
- SEM - Sample Box (Large)
- SEM - Sample Box (Medium)
- SEM - Sample Box (Small)
- SEM - Stubs - Al Specimen Mounts (Each)
- Substrate - 100 mm Si prime wafer
- Substrate - 100 mm Si test grade wafer
- Substrate - 100 mm Si with ~0.5 µm thermal oxide
- Substrate - 150 mm Si prime wafer
- Substrate - 4" Fused Silica Round (7980 Quartz w/flat)
- Substrate - 4" Glass - 0211 Square
- Substrate - 4" Glass - Borofloat Round
- Substrate - 4" Glass - Borofloat Square
- Substrate - 4" Pyrex round - double sided with flat (No Wet-etch)
- Substrate - 5" Glass - Sodalime Square
Platinum surcharge for deposition on electron-beam evaporation systems (Gomez, PVD-75, Soundwave).Features
- Billed per gram (minimum charge of 0.1 g)
- Academic Rate: $122.00/gram
- Industrial Rate: $122.00/gram