In-situ Heating XRD now available

The nanoFAB is pleased to announce that in-situ heating analysis is commissioned and available on the Bruker D8 Discover XRD system. The TC-DOME-type temperature stage is designed for measurements on thin films, powder and solid samples. The stage can be heated up to 900°C with controlled ramping rates. Environmental control setup (in vacuum and/or inert gas) is still under development. Please contact Peng Li ( – the Characterization Group Manager, if you have any questions.

Below are some examples of in-situ heating XRD analysis of various types of materials.

  1. Sample: TiO2 (20nm)/VO2 (20nm) thin films on Sapphire substrate
    User Group:  Dr. Ankur Goswami, Nano Interfaces and Molecular Engineering Group, CME, University of Alberta

    VO2 monoclinic (020) peak (2theta=39.693) shifts towards left and becomes (200) (2theta=39.527) rutile structure at high temperature where VO2 transforms from insulator to metal but the TiO2 (020) rutile peak or the substrate (Al2O3) does not show any peak shifting as they do not have any phase transition.
  2. Sample: Steel
    User/Group: Haoyang Li, Prof. James Hogan, Mechanical Engineering, University of AlbertaBBC phase transits into FCC at high temperature
  3. Sample: TiAl/Al2O3 cermet
    User/Group: Haoyang Li, Prof. James Hogan, Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta
    Diffraction peak-splitting, sharpen peaks and increased signal to noise ratio in high temperature, which remain after cooling, reflect annealing effect for the alloy system.
