FTIR Microscopy is Operational and Available

The nanoFAB is pleased to announce that the upgrade of our FTIR (Nicolet 8700) system has been completed and IR microscopy is available to users now.

The Nicolet Continuum microscope attached to the Nicolet 8700 IR spectrometer enables reliable spatially-resolved chemical analysis from various types of samples. The system combines a motorized stage and high sensitive MCT detector, which provides fully automated visual observation of microscopic and chemical characterization of most organic and inorganic compounds. The system is equipped with regular Reflection, Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) and Grazing Angle objectives.

Below are example IR maps from various photo-resist patterns.

Samples: Photo-resist on an Au-coated Si substrate

IR spectrum of bare substrate: 

IR spectrum of photoresist:

Spectroscopic image of photo-resist patterns were plotted as the C-H strength at the 2900 cm-1



  • lines

Top: optical image; Bottom: IR image (Scale Bar = 100 μm)

  • Square

Left: optical image; Right: IR image (Scale Bar = 100 μm)

  • Images

Top: SEM image; Bottom: IR image (Scale Bar = 100 μm)

Please submit a request on LMACS if you are interested to get trained on the FTIR microscopy. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the tool trainers, Shiau-Yin Wu (shiauyin@ualberta.ca) and Dr. Shihong Xu (shihongx@ualberta.ca) or the Characterization Group Manager, Peng Li (Peng.Li@ualberta.ca).
